Programming Languages/C와 C++
Compiled Languages vs Interpreter Languages
2022. 2. 4. 17:21
1. Compiled Languages
Example : C, C++, Swift, Go
Compiled on OS directly. => They needed to be compiled to transform the source code to Machine code that CPU can execute. After the compilation, we need to build compiled file like EXE type to execute the source code.
- Good Point : Very fast -> They are good to deal with the data
- Bad Point : They need different compiler by each OS (Swift is compiled on) So for editing the source code and release the program, it can be worse than interpreted languages.
2. Compile on VM
Example: Java, C#
Compiled on VM(Virtual Machine) environment (JVM. CLR)
- Good Point :They can be run in every OS. So they have good productivity and portability
- Bad Point : Need to install specitifc VM (Virtual Machine)
3. Interpreted Languages
Example : Python, Javascript
Just in time compilation. Interpreter processes the code.
* Good Point : No need to compile. Process of building program and executing is shorter than compiled languages.
* Bad Point : Slow -> To recover this problem , they take the python to write and use the library made of C++
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